As a teenager, I used to have a friend who although I knew she was not the kind of friend who genuinely had my back and best interest at heart, I persisted in maintaining the friendship, that would eventually, at her urging, landed me in a fight that I had no business being involved in, and in which I sustained injury.  I had to make a hard decision that the friendship was one that I needed to shut the door on, and I did.

There are some people and some things that we all need to shut the door on at some point in time. The reason you may not be seeing much progress or experiencing success, or turning corners for the better; the reason you may be unhappy, discouraged, down in the dumps most of the time, feeling empty, and/or missing out on the joys of life and not going after what you really want to reach; is because you have an open-door policy. You are still allowing people and things in that you should have shut the door on a long time ago

Maybe it's time you do an inventory check-up and see where you are being hindered and shut the door for good. Maybe it's a time issue you are struggling with because you invest more time on social media than you do on things that are more important for your future. Maybe it's a recurring thought that puts you in a bad mood or delivers a negative mindset. Maybe it's a habit that brings you comfort, while causing you heartache and grief. Maybe it's a decision that you made that you need to reverse, but you keep making excuses not to do so because you are unsure of what to do next. Maybe it is a relationship that keeps taking from you and leaving you spent. Maybe it is a friend, or friends whose actions and behaviors violate your core beliefs - everything that you have been taught, and keep pulling you in the wrong direction away from what you know to be right, and honest and better. 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV) warns us, "Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character.'"  Why not make a decision to shut the door today? This may be the hardest, but best decision you would have made in a long time, but a well needed one. The widow in 2 Kings 4 discovered where her blessings began, after she closed the door.

You can choose to close the door today behind you and give Christ the opportunity to work on what you have left.  Perhaps you shut Him out so long ago, while letting other things and people in that you thought were better for you, and He's been waiting and knocking at your door ever since. Why don't you talk to Him about it today? And if you are unsure, ask Him to show you what or who you need to shut the door on? He's been patiently waiting for you to seek His help on this one. He loves you more than you can ever be loved.


Recommended reading: "If God Has not Disqualified You, Do Not Disqualify Yourself."