Is affirmation the thing you need and crave? Do you feel as though you have missed out on your moment to shine? If so, take a moment to listen to Paul and recalibrate your perception of yourself. What if we adopted Paul's perspective? He declares, "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me" (1 Corinthians 15:10 NKJV).
Paul would confess, "Indeed, I'm not like the other apostles. I didn't experience Christ in the same way they did, but nevertheless, I did. I know I had a late start, but late doesn't mean that I lack."  Even with a late start, he still surpassed the other apostles in books written and worked harder, and more than likely encountered more opposition, yet still he got the job done - all because he had been given grace to be him. Thank God for grace!
You may be the person telling yourself, I would be better at this job, if I had a more understanding boss; better at being a parent if I had a parent with better parenting skills or who was actually there; better at this marriage if I had a more caring, loving, and dedicated spouse; and we could go on and on casting blame for what we calculate to be our misfortunes.  Stop tripping. Stop listening to Satan's lies. We used the wrong numbers and methods to assess grace.
God's grace is immeasurable and abundant. You have been given all the grace you need to be you. By the grace of God, be you. Ask God to show you and teach you how to utilize His grace to be the best version of you that is possible. When you grasp how grace works in your life, you will be in a better position to see it work in the lives of others. Utilize God's grace in you, and pray for, and watch it work in others as well. And as you utilize the grace of God, you will discover and fulfill God's purpose in your life, find fulfillment, and be able to acknowledge and celebrate it in the lives of others.