In Psalm 139:9-10, David penned these words: "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." Perhaps you currently in a situation where you find yourself saying: If I run away from this situation; if I hide from this problem; if I act like I don't care; if I stay to myself and be alone, and never expose my heart so I can be taken advantage of; if I can find a place where it doesn't hurt so much; if everyone would just leave me alone; then really, you are not alone in your feelings. But I do want you to know that wherever your "even there" turns out to be, God's hand of love and mercy, and grace will still find you, reach out to you, and cover you. You are not alone. Even there, right now, wherever you are, be it a place in your mind, or a place on earth, even there, his hand will guide you, comfort you, and hold onto you. God loves you more than enough to reach you in your "even there" place.